
As the trees begin to bud and the flowers begin to bloom, the air becomes refreshed with the scent of Spring flowers and sweet little bird chirps.  Is there a better time to begin organizing and decluttering?  We think not!  Organizing is always about bringing order, neatness and punctuality into your life.  What a great time to renew!

Start by cleaning up your room. Sort all of your clothes into separate piles; one for laundry, the second for mending, and the third group is for donating. Hang all other clothes on hangers and keep shirts buttoned at the top so that they stay crisp and neat.  Hang pants on pant hangers and make sure they are all going the same way.  Keep summer clothes and winter clothes separated and hang them by color.  This makes it easy to know where to look for the exact top you want when getting dressed. 

Schedule a time on your calendar to work on the items that need mending.  Replace any missing buttons or work on stains that need extra effort at that time.  Once they have been repaired, hang them up directly.  Put any donatable clothes into a bag and take them directly to your car.  Store them in the trunk or back seat so that they are ready when you pass by the thrift shop, and donate them as soon as possible.  If they are still in your car after a week, schedule a time to drop them off on a weekend when you are out running errands.

Being organized has great benefits in life.  It is something that you can start right now.  The only thing that you need to do is put your mind to it and fight negativity and procrastination.  Negativity will pull you back into laziness.  Practicing organization in your life can bring you peace and discipline.   

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